Barichara is one of the municipalities of Colombia that has a wide range of tourism, is located in Santander and is one of the most beautiful villages in the country, its oldest area was declared Cultural Heritage of the Country.

How to get to Barichara, Santander?

To get to Barichara you must take a bus to San Gil, in San Gil you will find buses that take you to Barichara and take about 30 minutes.

If you are in a city where you do not have the possibility of taking a direct bus to San Gil, you must arrive to Bucaramanga and in the bus terminal of Bucaramanga you must take a bus to Barichara, this bus only works Monday to Friday at 4:30am, Saturdays at 9:00am and Sundays at 7:00pm and takes about 3 hours to reach your destination.

Geography and Weather in Barichara, Santander

In Barichara it will be 1300 meters above sea level, the municipality has an average temperature of 21 ° C, it is recommended to have comfortable clothing not very warm. Do not forget your bathing suit, sun block and insect repellent.

What to do in Barichara?

Barichara is one of the most beautiful towns in Colombia, it is a town that preserves its colonial architecture and royal roads of yesteryear. It is a town that has an incomparable beauty, because the scenery formed by its streets and structures with the natural mountains landscape will leave the visitor enchanted.

We recommend a walking tour around the town, you will find structures, houses and streets that you want to photograph. The Main Square of Barichara is a beautiful place where you will find the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, a building that preserves its colonial essence, is brown and inside you will come across a unique architecture.

One of the favorite places in Barichara is the Mirador, from there you will have a panoramic view of the Suarez River Canyon and neighboring towns of Barichara such as Zapatoca and Galan, in addition, you can observe the Natural Park Serranías de los Yariguies that is located on the Colombian eastern mountain range. In the viewpoint you will experience an atmosphere of peace and harmony between you and nature, this quiet place will allow your body and mind to rest from the stress and pollution of the city.

On the other hand, the Jorge Delgado Sierra Park for the Arts is located in the town. It is a museum in which works of national and international stone carvers are exhibited, more than 20 sculptures are part of this interesting exhibition that pays homage to the carvers of the region who still preserve or have always preserved the legacy of the town.

Although it is not a plan that everyone will enjoy, Barichara Cemetery is a place that astonishes with its diverse and very artistic tombstones carved in stone.

Barichara is a town with a beauty that enchants, walking its streets will transport you to other times, is an ideal place for rest and tranquility.

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Gastronomy in Barichara, Santander

If you visit Santander or any of its villages, you can not fail to taste the famous ant culona, traditional food and representative of this area of Colombia, in effect, these are ants that are toasted and then put salt, a delicacy that all Santandereano enjoy. You can taste the mute santandereano soup, the pepitoria and the roasted goat. And to accompany all the food a totuma of chicha, fermented drink that, if you neglected, you can get drunk.

Hotels in Barichara, Santander

Barichara is a tourist town where you can find a variety of hotels at different prices depending on the conditions you require. Some of them have a swimming pool. It will be very easy to find a good hotel or hostel in Barichara.