The Hornoyaco Waterfall is located in the municipality of Mocoa, in Putumayo. This waterfall is 55 meters high and is a tourist destination not to be missed by adventurers in search of the End of the World waterfall.

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How to get to Hornoyaco Waterfall, Mocoa?

This impressive place is located exactly in the Serranía de Churumbelos, on the Zarzal de Mocoa trail, the entrance to the waterfall is through Km 2 of the Mocoa – Villagarzón road. To reach the Hornoyaco Waterfall by land, you must go to Mocoa from any city and at the transport terminal of Mocoa take a bus service to Villagarzón. On the other hand, you can go by air to Villagarzón Airport, this airport receives flights from the city of Bogota with the Airport El Dorado and the airport Caucayá de Putumayo.

Weather and recommendations at the Hornoyaco Waterfall

In this area of the country, the average temperature is 25°C, it is recommended to have clothes for warm weather, swimsuit or a set of additional clothes, the walk requires shoes with good grip and hydration. Use sunscreen and insect repellent.

It is essential that your impact on this ecosystem is minimal, so do not damage the vegetation and do not contaminate the place, do not leave garbage and respect every living creature that lives in the Hornoyaco Waterfall and its surroundings.

Tourism in Hornoyaco Mocoa

First of all, we must clarify that the Hornoyaco waterfall is located in the End of the World Reserve. In this way, the trip will be more interesting if you decide to visit the entire reserve, as you will find a variety of waterfalls and landscapes.

The walk in this place is something completely quiet and relaxing, away from the noise and tedium of the city, surrounded by nature and trees of various species that decorate the place in a jungle, take advantage of the journey to oxygenate your body and enjoy this space so wonderful that nature offers.

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The tour is long, can take more than 5 hours, depending on where you start the walk, so it is recommended to start from kilometer 2 via Villagarzón, from there it will be just 40 minutes, is a mostly ascent that requires a good physical condition, but the reward will be enormous to be able to bathe in the waters of this waterfall that in ancient times were sacred waters.

Travelling to the End of the World Reserve and getting to know all the waterfalls and mysterious and wonderful places hidden in it is a unique experience of adventure and meditation, all in one, and the Hornoyaco waterfall is a perfect scenery in which the natural pool formed by the fall of the waterfall will give you beautiful postcards and the perfect space to meditate, swim or simply contemplate the greatness of nature.

Restaurants in Hornoyaco

Near the waterfall are some hostels and inns that offer food service. However, it is important that you bring some food and plenty of hydration for the walk.

Hotels in Hornoyaco

Around the End of the World Reserve a diversity of hotels and houses have been established that provide lodging services, most of them are very beautiful places in the middle of jungle environments and very close to rivers and waterfalls, some of them are the Yurupay Inn, the Dantayaco Inn, the Paway Butterfly Inn and the Samai Inn. In most of these, you will be able to access camping service, as it has camping areas with all the needs.

Hotel Dantayaco

How much is the entrance to the Hornoyaco Waterfall worth?

Best of all, the entrance to the Hornoyaco Waterfall is free of charge, in fact, the entrance to the End of the World Natural Reserve is free and for the entire public.